in July 2011in south Cairo, Egypt; we are designers, supervisors, commissioners and Suppliers. By Flexibility, NON stop learning and training and qualifications Plan for our stuff, with experience for 120 projects in ten Countries in FMCG, Food and Beverage, Cement, TilesĀ
(Safety is our Business Core Human safety, equipment Safety. Construction safety and Process safety)
Quality is the most important part of our products, We take care about Quality starting from Design passing to Fabrication, Assembly, and Installation till the operation and normal Running and after sales
We are taking care about our products and projects after start up as Owners not as Vendors and we do our best to be keep our Customers satisfied during projects, during guarantee period and even after Long term support
Value for Money
One of our values is to guarantee to our customer the Maximum utilizing for Money based on our strategy as partners relationship not Customer and vendors
Due to High Speed Technology and Automation field updating and the Global direction for IOT and depending in Unmanned technology rapidly, we base our designs to be Adaptive and upgradable with current most updated equipment's and software
Adaptiveupgradable Products and Services
Due to High Speed Technology and Automation field updating and the Global direction for IOT and depending in Unmanned technology rapidly, we base our designs to be Adaptive and upgradable with current most updated equipment's and software